Are you in your late thirties, or forties and feel like you are going crazy?!

Trust me, you are not alone, and you are certainly not imagining things.

There are changes going on in your body and brain which can feel confusing, frustrating, and perhaps even empowering all at the same time.

If you clicked on this article, then perhaps it’s because you are noticing these changes and want to know more about what is going on inside your body. Below we discuss 5 signs that you may be going through perimenopause and why they are occurring.

5 signs that you are going through perimenopause

1. Mood changes

Do you ever feel like a monster who explodes at the tiniest inconvenience, yet upon reflection realise that it really wasn’t that bad?

It’s not you, it’s those darn hormones.

Perimenopause causes a fluctuation in hormones which significantly affects your mood. Firstly, a decrease in progesterone alters the brain and nervous system. This can reduce your ability to cope with stress whilst increasing symptoms of stress and anxiety.

In addition to this, estrogen is wild and highly fluctuating which create anxiety and contribute to irritability and even a sense of extreme rage.

And if you thought that was extreme enough, once oestrogen lowers, there is a change within the energy system of the brain which contributes to further mood disturbances and fluctuations.

2. Hot flushes, night sweats & sleep disturbances

Hot flushes and night sweats can occur at any stage of perimenopause. Described as a feeling of intense heat, but can also be experienced as tingling, a rosy face, sweating, and burning sensation on the skin. More intense symptoms can even include dizziness, chills, nausea or heart palpitations.

The duration and number of hot flushes can vary from woman to woman, lasting anywhere from 10 seconds to 10 minutes and can occur anytime from once every few days or several times an hour.

They are generally the result of the combination of high estrogen with low progesterone which is quite indicative of the first phase of perimenopause. Therefore if you are experiencing hot flushes, you have most likely entered perimenopause.

3. Weight gain around the mid-line

Abdominal weight gain is one of the most common complaints I see in women aged in their late thirties and beyond.

The good news? It’s not your fault.

The bad news? It’s predominantly out of your control.

Lower oestrogen and progesterone (particularly in the later phase of perimenopause) can cause a metabolic change contributing to abdominal weight gain. This is significant in two ways;

  • Because you are losing oestrogen (in the form of oestradiol), you are losing muscle mass. Decreased muscle mass consequently means a slowed metabolism.
  • Both oestrogen and progesterone are predominantly anti-inflammatory and stimulate metabolism. The combination of losing these properties contribute to that mid-section weight gain, and can potentially lead to insulin resistance.

4. Heavy periods and period pain

Before the calm (no period), there is always a storm (painful, heavy periods).

When oestrogen is high in comparison to progesterone, your uterine lining increasingly thickens which results in heavier bleeding once it sheds. It can also be the reason behind worsening period pain.

In saying this, perimenopause can affect women’s cycles differently depending on the individual. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on any changes that have occurred to your menstrual cycle, even if they are not heavier.

5. Vaginal dryness

Nearing the end of the perimenopause phases when oestrogen plummets, vaginal tissue can become dryer and thinner. Not only does this cause a decline in sexual desire, it can also be painful, itchy, dry, and increase your susceptibility to urinary tract infections.

Unfortunately, the occurrence of this symptom usually becomes even worse during menopause.

So, what now?

So, there it is, you’re not crazy – you are simply going through perimenopause.

How well you transition through this time can be altered by an abundance of factors and can be difficult to manage alone. If you are needing additional help in mitigating your symptoms, then I highly recommend signing up for the waitlist of Thrive After 35 which will help guide you through this period of your life with confidence, ease and optimal health.

Written by:

Mollie Caughey-Wade,

Clinical Nutritionist (BSc).

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