Are you suffering from skin issues, digestive complaints, headaches, arthritis, or other inflammatory health conditions with no explanations? 

This may be a surprise; however, the root cause may be revealed in your hair!

Below, I explain what a biocompatibility hair test is, who may benefit from it and how to go about interpreting the results.

What is a biocompatibility hair test? 

A biocompatibility hair test is a food compatibility test for each unique individual. 

It covers a list of over 500 items, from any food or food group you can think of to common products that are used at home. This is to ensure the majority of items that you may use in your daily routine can be assessed for potential reactions.  

The system that biocompatibility hair testing is based on 30 years of research and development through thorough cellular examination.  

When to use a biocompatibility hair testing? 

A biocompatibility hair test can be used across multiple health issues across men, women, children and infants. Do you experience any of the issues listed below? 

  • Skin concerns such as eczema, psoriasis, or unusual rashes. 
  • Digestive complaints such as bloating, indigestion, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) symptoms, reflux, diarrhoea, or constipation. 
  • Arthritis or any other inflammatory conditions.  
  • Children with behavioural issues such as ADHD/ADD, poor concentration, notably foggy memory and low energy levels. 
  • Anything thyroid-related such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or Hashimoto’s. 
  • Headaches, migraines, ongoing flu-like conditions or excessive mucous. 
  • Fertility and hormone changes such as extreme PMS, PCOS, Endometriosis, abnormal bleeding, and menstrual cycle fluctuations. 
  • Unexplained insomnia, fatigue, or tiredness. 

If you resonate with any of these issues, it may be helpful to book a biocompatibility hair test. 

Repair from a cellular level.

Once you get an indication of your incompatible foods, you can temporarily remove these to aid in cellular repair and reduce inflammation. After a few weeks, you may notice a difference in your energy and vitality, along with alleviating your symptoms.  

Remember, the process includes merely a temporary removal of these incompatible foods so that your body has a chance to reset. These foods aren’t ‘intolerances’ per se, this process simply allows for a temporary cleanse of foods to help your body function optimally.  

So, what next?

If you are struggling with your health, then it may be a good idea to book in for a biocompatibility hair test.  

In fact, for the month of March Inner Fit Nutrition is offering a free recipe book when you book an Initial Consultation and Biocompatibility hair test for the discounted price of $385 (originally $435). This is to help the diet transition easier as you evolve through this journey.  

Written by:

Mollie Caughey-Wade,

Clinical Nutritionist (BSc).

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