So, why am I getting hormonal acne like a hormonal teenager at 35+?

The hormonal changes that occur during perimenopause can make your skin go wild.

It may present in an increase in hormonal acne, dry skin, wrinkles, age spots popping out of nowhere, or all of the above… 

No matter the extent of your skin concerns, the changes can be plain frustrating. 

In this article, we discuss how perimenopause affects skin, why specific skin concerns may occur and 5 tips to help your skin thrive.

How does perimenopause affect your skin?

There is a reason why perimenopause is coined ‘second puberty’. As with the fluctuating hormones during perimenopause and menopause, you can expect some changes to your skin

In fact, the skin is the largest non-reproductive organ that is impacted by oestrogen whilst also being affected by declining levels of collagen (the protein that keeps your skin firm). Symptoms of oestrogen deficient skin include hyperpigmentation (particularly in the face, neck, arms, chest and face), thinning of the skin which can result in easier bruising, and a decline in the skins ability to maintain moisture.  

There are several different changes that can occur, from acne breakouts, rashes, increasing in wrinkles, dry skin, age spots, and more sensitive skin. Identifying what you are struggling with most can help you to determine the treatment method that is best suited to you. 

Caring for your specific skin concerns

Here are 5 specific skin concerns and why they are occurring so that you can gain an understanding of what is going on for your skin. 

  • Dry skin: During perimenopause, the skin begins to lose its ability to hold water, which can result in the skin becoming dry. This is more notable when the air is dry.
  • Acne: The wild fluctuating hormonal changes of perimenopause are much like puberty, which may result in teenage-like acne. In combination with dry and thinner skin, you need to be even more cautious of the treatment methods you use.
  • Wrinkles and slackening skin: It is a natural process for the skin to lose collagen, a protein responsible for our skins structure, as we age. Particularly in the first 5 years of perimenopause, studies are showing that women’s skin lose about 30% of collagen, with a 2% loss each year after (1).
  • Rashes and sensitive skin: Around the ages of perimenopause and menopause, the pH levels of your skin will actually change. As a result of this, the skin becomes more sensitive. Additionally, if you have an existing condition of eczema, rosacea or psoriasis – this could worsen. 
  • Age spots: Age spots are often a result of sun damage and are evident if you have spent significant time in the sun without sun protection throughout the years. They appear as darker skin, often on the face, hands, neck, arms, or chest.

5 Tips to Help your skin Thrive

If you have the right care during this time, you can significantly lessen the effects of wildly fluctuating hormones. Here are 5 tips that may alleviate or help reduce the skin concerns you have at this time.

1.Step up your Skincare Routine.

A good skincare routine is more vital than ever during perimenopause. 

I’m not a dermatologist by any means, however, I know that ensuring that you have a gentle cleanser and nourishing moisturiser is a great start. 

At The Wellness Collective, Bunbury, we stock The Little Green Cream Co range which are an absolute gamechanger when it comes to natural and sustainable skincare. I wholeheartedly recommend these products to my clients whether they suffer from dry skin, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis or even oily skin prone to acne breakouts as the Little Green Co has something that can help your individual skin concerns.

2. Hone in on Hydration. 

The simplest form to hydrate your skin, is to hydrate your body! Therefore, it is important to ensure you are drinking enough water for your individual body’s needs. 

3. Healing your Skin from Within.

The power of good nutrition for your skin’s health is absolutely undeniable. 

There are so many nutrients that are vital for your skin’s health such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids – just to name a few.

Additionally, one of the best ways you can support your skin from the inside-out is by supporting your gut health. Focus on increasing the amount and diversity of fibre including an abundance of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and grains in your diet. 

4. Get some beauty ZZZ’s. 

So simple but so important – ensuring that you are sleeping 7-8 hours per night results in a fresher, supple and brighter skin appearance and reduces the appearance of dark circles under your eyes. 

As we sleep, our skin goes through a restoration process which helps to retain moisture, protect your skin, and heal signs of ageing. 

Additionally, the skin produces new collagen when you sleep, preventing sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles.

5. Tackle your stress levels.

Did you know that stress and anxiety may exacerbate skin disorders through making the skin more sensitive and penetrative (2)?

That’s why, it is so important to consider your mental health when you are treating skin health. 

Remember, you are never alone and there is always something you can do to ensure you are supporting your mind. Some examples of this include seeking professional help from a psychologist or counsellor, confiding in a friend or family member, meditation, journaling, or anything that personally helps in stress relief. 

So, what now?

As you can see, there are many changes that can occur to your skin in response to the hormonal changes in perimenopause. 

The good news? 

The severity of these can be improved by simple nutrition, lifestyle and exercise changes. 

Click the link in my bio to join the waitlist for our perimenopausal support program, Thrive After 35, to learn more about how you can make small changes to benefit not only your skin, but your health and vitality for life. 

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